AmigaOS3.5 (604/967)

From:Shane Ponting
Date:18 May 2000 at 04:40:26
Subject:Re: Modem & MIDI

Hello Duane
When I got my modem I had hangups & found that the modem "automatically
negotiates compression" e.g. V42. My Solution was to look in the modem
handbook & find the command that forces it to use V42 bis. only. You enter
this in the Modem Init String of Miami Settings. Voyager is my Favourite
browser & I plan to register it.
On 18-May-00, you wrote:

> Hello Shane,
> I checked and it said 0.11. Neil sent it to me because I was trying to get
> it to work better than it did when I first downloaded it. He said he had
> also put it on Aminet when he sent it to me.. I have iBrowse, AWeb, and
> the Demo of Voyager working with it. I need to get Voyager working a
> little better though.
> On 17-May-00, you wrote:
>> Hi , Hello Duane
>> Hi , Are you using version 0.11 of the pcmser.device (Shell command
>> version Hi , pcmser.device)
>> Hi , On 18-May-00, you wrote: Hi ,
>> Hi ,> Hi,
>> Hi ,>
>> Hi ,> I am using a credit card modem in my 1200. When I was on 3.1, I had
>> Hi ,> some problems with it when I started Miami. It would sometimes hang
>> up Hi ,> while getting online and sometimes I would have to start Miami
>> over Hi ,> again. I am using PCMSER by Neil Cafferkey to run it, and
>> since I have Hi ,> changed to 3.5 it works just fine. I decided to go to
>> the CC modem so I Hi ,> could use the serial port to play MIDI music
>> while I was on the Hi ,> internet. This allows me to listen to music
>> before I download it, which Hi ,> saves a lot of time and space on my
>> hard drive. I am using Tinymidiplay Hi ,> to listen while on the
>> internet. Hi ,>
>> Hi ,> Auf Wienerschnitzel Hi , Regards
> Regards

Shane Ponting
New Zealand

Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry